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67 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Ellis, Michael
In the bowels of the field, between calculated strategies and athletic feats, a fascinating universe unfolds that has captivated millions of fans around the world: American football. In these pages, we embark on an exciting journey that distills the essence of this intrepid sport, exploring 150 captivating facts that paint a complete and vibrant portrait of the game. From the tumultuous beginnings to the brilliance of contemporary stadiums, re...

CHF 19.90

300 Hechos increibles sobre el Fútbol

Ellis, Michael
300 Hechos increibles sobre el Fútbol
300 Hechos Increíbles sobre el Fútbol" es una obra fascinante que sumerge a los lectores en el apasionante mundo del deporte más popular del planeta: el fútbol. Con una recopilación de datos asombrosos, anécdotas históricas y curiosidades sorprendentes, este libro ofrece una experiencia única para aficionados y amantes del fútbol de todas las edades. La obra, se presenta en un formato amigable y accesible, lo que la convierte en una lectura ...

CHF 20.50

150 Hechos Curiosos de la NBA

Ellis, Michael
150 Hechos Curiosos de la NBA
Bienvenidos al emocionante mundo de la National Basketball Association, donde los sueños del baloncesto se hacen realidad y la cancha se convierte en un escenario para hazañas atléticas casi sobrenaturales. En "150 Hechos Curiosos de la NBA", los invitamos a adentrarse en el fascinante universo de una de las ligas deportivas más emocionantes del planeta. La NBA es mucho más que una serie de partidos, es un tapiz tejido con historia, innovaci...

CHF 21.90

150 Amazing Facts of the NBA

Ellis, Michael
150 Amazing Facts of the NBA
Step into the thrilling realm of the National Basketball Association, where hardwood legends are born, gravity-defying dunks redefine the limits of human potential, and the basketball court becomes a canvas for breathtaking athleticism. In "150 Amazing Facts of the NBA, " we invite you to embark on an exhilarating journey through the captivating world of one of the most electrifying sports leagues on the planet. The NBA is more than just a s...

CHF 21.90

300 Amazing Soccer Facts

Ellis, Michael
300 Amazing Soccer Facts
Welcome to the exhilarating world of soccer, where the beautiful game unfolds with an abundance of astonishing stories, records, and moments that have captivated the hearts of fans across the globe. In "300 Amazing Soccer Facts, " we invite you on a captivating journey through the annals of this beloved sport, unearthing remarkable anecdotes and statistics that shed light on its rich history and enduring allure. From the hallowed grounds of ...

CHF 21.90


Ellis, Michael
1100 Datos Divertidos e Interesantes" es una obra fascinante que te llevará en un emocionante viaje a través del mundo del conocimiento curioso. Escrito por un equipo de expertos apasionados por el aprendizaje y la diversión, este libro es una recopilación de hechos intrigantes y anécdotas sorprendentes que te mantendrán cautivado de principio a fin. En sus páginas, descubrirás una amplia gama de temas, desde la historia y la ciencia hasta l...

CHF 23.50

The Canal Murders

Ellis, J R / Page, Michael
The Canal Murders
Life moves at a slower pace on the canals. But death always comes when you least expect it.The last thing DS Stephanie Johnson and DS Andy Carter expected during their much-needed canal holiday was a murder. When retired folk musician Annie Shipton is found stabbed through the neck at the helm of her barge, the couple can't help investigating the seemingly impossible crime. Nobody else boarded Annie's boat--so how was she killed from behind?Wi...

CHF 28.50


Ellis, Michael
1100 Random Interesting & Fun Facts" is a fascinating work that will take you on an exciting journey through the world of curious knowledge. Written by a team of experts passionate about learning and entertainment, this book is a compilation of intriguing facts and surprising anecdotes that will keep you captivated from start to finish. In its pages, you will discover a wide range of topics, from history and science to pop culture and nature...

CHF 23.50

As Good As Dead

Ellis R. Frazier / Michael Jai White / Tom Berenger / Louis Mandylor / Gabriela Quezada
As Good As Dead
Ex-Cop und Kampfsportler Bryant lebt untergetaucht im Zeugenschutz in Mexiko. Er trainiert Teenager Oscar, um diesen von Gewalt und Gangs fernzuhalten, doch ein Kampfvideo seines Lehrlings geht viral. Bryants Deckung fliegt auf, sein Rivale und Mafiaboss Sonny mobilisiert ein brutales Killerkommando. Er hat noch eine Rechnung mit Bryant offen. Es kommt zum Kampf auf Leben und Tod.

CHF 14.50

As Good As Dead

Ellis R. Frazier / Michael Jai White / Tom Berenger / Louis Mandylor / Gabriela Quezada
As Good As Dead
Ex-Cop und Kampfsportler Bryant lebt untergetaucht im Zeugenschutz in Mexiko. Er trainiert Teenager Oscar, um diesen von Gewalt und Gangs fernzuhalten, doch ein Kampfvideo seines Lehrlings geht viral. Bryants Deckung fliegt auf, sein Rivale und Mafiaboss Sonny mobilisiert ein brutales Killerkommando. Er hat noch eine Rechnung mit Bryant offen. Es kommt zum Kampf auf Leben und Tod.

CHF 14.50

340 Curiosidades y Anécdotas de la Historia de los Mundiales

Ellis, Michael
340 Curiosidades y Anécdotas de la Historia de los Mundiales
¿ SABIAS QUE ... En la final del mundial de 1930 el autor de uno de los goles no tenia un brazo ? En el Mundial de Suecia 1958 por primera vez un guardameta utilizó guantes? El primer ' Hat trick ' en la historia de los mundiales lo hizo un jugador norteamericano ? El Mundial de Qatar 2022 superó la marca de goles de 92 años de Copas de Mundo? Recién en el Mundial de España 1982 participaron selecciones de los 5 continentes? 340 Curiosidades...

CHF 20.50

340 Curiosities and Anecdotes of the World Cup History

Ellis, Michael
340 Curiosities and Anecdotes of the World Cup History
DID YOU KNOW ... In the 1930 World Cup final, the author of one of the goals did not have an arm? In the 1958 World Cup in Sweden, a goalkeeper used gloves for the first time? The first ' Hat trick ' in the history of the World Cups was made by an American player? Did the World Cup in Qatar 2022 surpass the goal mark of 92 years of World Cups? Only in the 1982 World Cup in Spain did teams from the 5 continents participate? 340 Curiosities an...

CHF 20.50

A Royal Pulpit

Ellis DMIN, Michael Edward
A Royal Pulpit
A treasury of powerful sermons challenging placid pew sitters to become enthusiastic followers of Christ. Uniquely contemporary and solidly based on God's word, these messages by one of today's seasoned preacher's urge Christians to put Christ first in their daily lives. According to Dr. Ellis' message, "You can go anywhere from nowhere", there's nothing wrong with starting from the bottom or lowest social stratum in society, you can rise from...

CHF 26.90

A Horse Named Spirit

Ellis, Michael
A Horse Named Spirit
The book is a true story it's about a very special horse named Spirit. He was born from our first horse Stormy. It is written as if Spirit was talking about his trials and tribulations. Many of his life experiences revolve around his mother Stormy and another horse named Thunder.

CHF 27.90

The Metabolife Story

Ellis, Michael J.
The Metabolife Story
When Michael J. Ellis saw how cancer was ravaging his father's body, he was desperate to find something-anything-that would help ease the dying man's suffering. It just so happened that Ellis discovered such a method in herbal remedies-but in a fateful twist, his research inadvertently uncovered something else entirely, a secret that would also impact American society: a weight loss product that actually worked! Five years later, in 1998, El...

CHF 27.50

The Brewery Murders

Ellis, J. R. / Page, Michael
The Brewery Murders
An award-winning beer worth killing for. Can DCI Oldroyd find the killer before last orders?Steeped in a history of award-winning Yorkshire ale, the town of Markham boasts not one but two breweries. Richard Foster runs one, his sister, Emily, along with her partner, Janice, runs the other. And not without some resentment.The unwelcome return of the town's former bad boy, Brendan Scholes, threatens to ignite the sibling rivalry further. Scholes...

CHF 32.90

A Royal Pulpit

Ellis, Michael Edward
A Royal Pulpit
A treasury of powerful sermons challenging placid pew sitters to become enthusiastic followers of Christ. Uniquely contemporary and solidly based on God's word, these messages by one of today's seasoned preacher's urge Christians to put Christ first in their daily lives. According to Dr. Ellis' message, "You can go anywhere from nowhere", there's nothing wrong with starting from the bottom or lowest social stratum in society, you can rise from...

CHF 28.90